Science et recherche

FINA exchange 2023

Testemonial from our FINA laureate, Olga Odrzygóźdź, PhD researcher in Sustainable Soil Management at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Currently she does research in the use of mine waste products for agricultural usage – as a natural soil amendment and fertilizers:

Through the FINA exchange, I expected to develop my network and have a chance to collaborate with French research institutions in the future. It was a week that brought loads of new knowledge, and interesting people.

Here is a short description of our week:

Visit the FRE was the most relevant for my research and interest. We had interesting discussions on sustainable development, circular economy model and how the ideas can be applied to real life but also how difficult sometimes is to apply new ideas to current economic model. We also saw how important it is to improve/change current economy models. And how we can define circular economy models.

We had a great time visiting the Research Lab at the top of Puy-de-Dôme, the youngest volcano in central France. We visited the laboratories of atmospherics measurements, e.g., air composition, wind chamber etc. We had fruitful discussions with the CEO of Valtom, and could observe the whole process of recycling of waste materials and learn about different final products, including fertilizers or mineral powder, that can be used in construction.

Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) (Romain Garcier) was a very good visit, we discussed the social aspects of circular economy models.

ESDES Lyon Business School / Université Catholique de Lyon (Marie-France Vernier and Muriel Maillefert): We had fascinating discussions about circular economy, local food production, legislation aspects of sustainable projects and issues related to governmental support to secure local businesses, as well as discussions on using wastewater treatment plants to get methane.

Visit to the laboratory of Catalysis, Polymerisation, Process and Materials (CP2M) (Bruno Andrioletti, Anthony, Dorian/Sarah)

Visit to the laboratory Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères (IMP): We had a fast discussion and presentation of our research before visiting different laboratories.

Visit to the Institut de Chimie et de Biochimie Moléculaires et Supramoléculaires (ICBMS): Nicolas Duguet did a presentation of the research institute, on what sort of project they are working on.

Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon (IRCELYON – CNRS 2028): Short discussion on our research, and IRCELYON projects. It showed ore advanced chemistry than the one I used in my study, however it was eye opening. Fascinating discussions on what is a good science, responsibilities of researchers, etc.

Some nice time off work as well: Visit to Lyon’s Opera: We had the opportunity to visit behind the scenes. The staff together with Fabrice Paris explained what circular economy solutions they use e.g., the fact that they recycle decors/construction/costumes used by artists, also the fact that the new elevator made by KONE company reused pieces of old mechanisms.

As a summary, I will especially point out the fact that meeting other PhD students doing similar or different research being a part of circular economy model, provided me a wider perspective and opened my eyes to other disciplines.  It was very interesting to learn more about the other FINA laureates: Jenni, Pierre, Sharib and Thang studies and learn new things. We enjoyed each other’s company and are now good friends who will keep in touch 🙂

After visiting the facilities in Lyon – chemical laboratories on Thursday, I learned more about advanced chemical methods for characterization different materials, some of the tools I also use in my own research.

I stay in touch with IreneTill Bottraud fromGEOLAB in Clermont-Ferrand, as her research interests are close to what I am doing, she gave me a contact to people who try to develop organic food production in the south of France, a possible collaboration in the future.