Vitenskap og forskning

The Arctic Expedition Climate Sentinels starts today! – 31/03/2021

31. mars - 5. mai 2021

The team. ©ClimateSentinels

The Arctic Expedition Climate Sentinels starts today! Institut Français de Norvège supports the project.

Climate Sentinels in a few word : 6 female scientists and explorers, 5 week-long expedition 1000 km away from the North Pole, for Arctic research and education of the young generations through collaborations with schools around the world.

During this expedition the team will investigate the deposition of black carbon on snow, and will help calibrate satellite orbiting the Earth.

To track their team and send your messages of encouragement throughout the trip: https://share.garmin.com/ClimateSentinels

To visit their homepage: http://www.climatesentinels.com


We wish them all the best and a successful expedition !