Vitenskap og forskning

Introducing the laureates of the FINA Prize 2024!

The French Institutes of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden have selected the winners of the French Institute Nordic Award, with this year’s theme being Digital Health. Since 2020, the French Institutes of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden have annually awarded a prize to five young researchers. The French Institute Nordic Award (FINA) promotes […]

Vitenskap og forskning


Åsgard Horizon Mobility Program France - Norge 2025

The call for applications for the Åsgard Horizon program is open until September 18th 2024. Apply now (by filling out the form on the bottom of the page) to organize French-Norwegian scientific events aiming to develop ambitious research networks and to coordinate large-scale international projects ! The scientific department of the French Institute in Norway, […]

Vitenskap og forskning

Film screening: «Heïdi’s Ice» 

torsdag 30. mai 2024 19:00

Science Night in Oslo

Written and directed by Pierre Dugowson  English subtitles FREE SCREENING  The French Institute of Norway, in collaboration with Chateau Neuf, is pleased to invite you on May 30th, 2024, to the screening of the film «Heïdi’s Ice» by Pierre Dugowson.  The session will be introduced by the film’s director, Pierre Dugowson, followed by a discussion […]

Vitenskap og forskning

The Ocean as a Climate Regulator

15. april - 24. mai 2024

Fotoutstilling i Bergen

Fra 15. april til 24. mai vil fotoutstillingen The Ocean as a Climate Regulator være åpen på biblioteket for matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fag ved Universitetet i Bergen. I forbindelse med den andre utgaven av One Ocean Week 2024 arrangerer den franske ambassaden i Norge og Institut français de Norvège en naturvitenskapelig utstilling. One Ocean Week, som er […]

Vitenskap og forskning

The FINA award 2024

Theme of the year 2024 : Digital Health

Are you a digital health researcher? Would you like to discover a scientific and innovative environment while visiting France?   Theme of the year 2024 : Digital Health The theme of the 2024 edition of the FINA Prize will be «digital health». According to the WHO, digital health is defined as “the use of information […]

Vitenskap og forskning

Film screening: «Planet Ocean»

tirsdag 16. april 2024 18:00

Science Night in Bergen to celebrate Ocean Week

«Planet Ocean» Documentary written and directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot English subtitles, 1h30, suitable for ages 12 and above FREE SCREENING April 16, 2024, 6:00 PM Bergen Offentlige BibliotekStrømgaten 6BERGEN Institut français de Norvège, in collaboration with Alliance Française of Bergen and Bergen Public Library, is pleased to invite you to the screening […]

Vitenskap og forskning

Women & conflict

tirsdag 19. mars 2024 18:00

Science Night to honour the International Day of Francophonie and the International Women's Rights Day

Francophonie encompasses individuals and institutions using French for socialization, administration, and/or education, with 321 million people across five continents as of 2023. The International Organization of La Francophonie serves as its backbone, promoting French and fostering collaborations among 88 member states. The event will highlight presentations by two French-speaking authors, Alice Zeniter and Anna Langfus, […]

Vitenskap og forskning

Climate Fresk!

torsdag 29. februar 2024 17:00

Come to discover the Climate Fresk, which turns climate science into a game! «Climate Fresk» is a workshop that aims at raising awareness and understanding about climate change, therefore enabling impacting positive actions at the personal and collective level. Conceived in France and based on the IPCC report, it explains the causes and consequences of […]

Vitenskap og forskning


tirsdag 13. februar 2024 18:00Kino

I møte med klimaendringene og utarmingen av naturressurser innser regissør Emmanuel Cappellin at vår industrielle sivilisasjon er nær et sammenbrudd. Skrevet og regissert av EMMANUEL CAPPELLIN // I samarbeid med ANNE-MARIE SANGLA Medvirkende: RICHARD HEINBERG, SALEEMUL HUQ, SUSANNE MOSER, JEAN-MARC JANCOVICI, PABLO SERVIGNE Engelsk tekst, varighet 1t 44min, aldersgrense 12 år. Tirsdag 13. februar kl. […]

Vitenskap og forskning

Exhibition of the Comic Strip «World without end»

onsdag 7. februar 2024 18:00

The exhibition, derived from the comic strip «Le Monde sans fin,» provides a captivating insight into the encounter between Jean-Marc Jancovici and Christophe Blain, exploring their engaged dialogue on the crucial themes of energy and climate change. It playfully examines subjects that concern us all, such as energy transition, while addressing economic, ecological, and social […]

Vitenskap og forskning

Night of ideas: Who owns the oceans?

tirsdag 5. desember 2023

Are the oceans truly open to all? The ocean is considered being the “common heritage of humankind” since the establishment of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in 1982. The UNCLOS establishes that no state can claim sovereignty over any part of the high seas. Although the oceans are open […]

Utdannelse og Fransk språksamarbeid Universiteter Vitenskap og forskning

PopUp! Institut Français de Norvège besøker Lillehammer og Hamar fra 22. til 24. november!

22 - 24. november 2023

I løpet av dette besøket blir det arrangert en rekke møter og aktiviteter på ulike skoler, fakulteter og forskningssentre. 30-års jubileet for vinter-OL på Lillehammer i 1994 nærmer seg med stormskritt, og i forbindelse med at Paris er arrangør av sommer OL 2024 og de paralympiske leker, benytter vi anledningen til å feire dette og […]

Vitenskap og forskning

French Institute Nordic Award 2023 // Webinar

Circular Economy: Nordic Research Highlights Sign up for our webinar about the French Institute Nordic award 2023 on Circular economy! When and how? The webinar will take place… The five laureates of the French institute Nordic Award 2023 (FINA), from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden will present their research and share lessons learned from […]

Vitenskap og forskning

FINA exchange 2023

Testemonial from our FINA laureate, Olga Odrzygóźdź, PhD researcher in Sustainable Soil Management at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Currently she does research in the use of mine waste products for agricultural usage – as a natural soil amendment and fertilizers: Through the FINA exchange, I expected to develop my network and have a […]