Vitenskap og forskning Kultur Universiteter

Night of ideas : Movie -debate «Hello World!»

onsdag 22. mars 2023 from 17:00 to 20:00

Science Night - the World Water Day 2023

Holtegaten 29 0355 OSLO

Join us on Wednesday 22 March at 5pm

to discover the film «Hello World!» by A-L. Koehler & É. Serre,

on the occasion of the Night of Ideas and the World Water Day 2023

[family film in French with English subtitles]

French Institute of Norway

Holtegata 29, 0355 Oslo

We invite you to discover the animated film «Hello World!» by Anne-Lise Koehler, Eric Serre:

«An animated film made of papier-mâché, in beautiful colourful settings, about the life of the fauna and flora in our countryside. A film that reinterprets Nature, to help us rediscover it as we have never seen it before!

The screening will be followed by an open discussion with two specialists from NINA (Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning):

  • Jon Hamner Magerøy: specialist in mussels and freshwater fish
  • Tor Atle Mo: specialist in fish parasites and diseases.

The event will end with a French buffet!

The event is FREE and in ENGLISH⚠️ Don’t forget to register⚠️: